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کاربر ممتاز
به ایمیلی که هم اکنون بدستم رسیده توجه فرمائید
Top Stories

Download the Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation

Download a free 90-day evaluation to test your apps and infrastructure on the final version of Windows 8 Enterprise, and use these additional resources: Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation FAQ Windows 8 Installation, Setup, and Deployment Forum

Learn About Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 8

Internet Explorer 10 carries over the advancements made in earlier versions of the Internet Explorer browser around security, standards support, and performance, as well as the extensive management and configuration support desired by IT professionals. Read this overview, then check out the Internet Explorer 10 FAQ for IT Pros.

Explore the Enterprise Edition

Windows 8 Enterprise features include all the capabilities of Windows 8 Pro plus premium features designed to provide the mobile productivity, security, manageability, and virtualization needs of today's businesses. These features include Windows To Go, DirectAccess,BranchCache, and AppLocker.
Your Featured Content

What's New for IT Pros in Windows 8
Get an overview of key new and improved features for IT professionals, plus answers to frequently asked questions.

Windows 8 Application Compatibility Forum
Use this forum to discuss application compatibility in Windows 8 and the Application Compatibility Toolkit.

Install Update Rollup 3 for Windows SBS 2011 Essentials
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials Update Rollup 3 has been released today and is available for download from Microsoft Update. You can read about the issues this rollup addresses in KB2705117.

Develop a SQL Server 2012 Tabular BI Model Using Visual Studio
In this Virtual Lab Insider, John Weston previews the latest TechNet virtual lab on how to develop a SQL Server 2012 tabular BI model using Visual Studio. In this lab you'll walk through a series of exercises where you'll learn how to create the tabular model project, import the data and create relationships, enhance the BI model interface, define and analyze KPIs, and finally deploy and manage the model.

Test Apps for Windows 8 Compatibility with ACT
Now part of the free Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK), the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) can help you inventory your existing applications, prioritize which applications should be tested for compatibility, and identify which applications are or are not compatible with Windows 8. You can also test your web applications and websites for compatibility with Internet Explorer 10.

Case Study: Microsoft IT Plans, Deploys, and Manages Windows 8
With an internal community support forum to foster early adoption, Microsoft IT has created a seamless user experience with improved image creation, deployment processes, and a community-based support model called //Pointers.

Video: How to Create and Manage a Hyper-V Cluster
In this session, we take a look at how to create a Hyper-V host cluster and install a highly available cluster by using Virtual Machine Manager, a component of Microsoft System Center 2012.

Technical Case Study: Consumerization of IT
Microsoft IT supports the consumerization-of-IT efforts within the company while at the same time continuing to define the delicate balance between policy/governance and the hardware and applications that employees use.

دانشجوي كامپيوتر

دستیار مدیر تالار هنر
کاربر ممتاز
شما را توصیه میکنم به خواندن پست 24099 که در آن منافع زیادی برای رو ح وروانتان موجود هست و خمچنین برای علمتان

خوب لینکش چیه ؟؟؟ من که حال ندارم اینقدر بگردم این پست رو بپیدایم ...

خوبید شما

سلام به روی ماهت عزیز دلم:love:

سلام نفیس عزیزم ...

دانشجوي كامپيوتر

دستیار مدیر تالار هنر
کاربر ممتاز

سلام ... خوبید .. اسمتون چی بود ؟؟
خوب این چه ربطی به من داشت .. لابد هیچ کس درخواست نداده ادامه اش رو بگید می خوابد من ازتون بخوام .......


اخراجی موقت
خوب لینکش چیه ؟؟؟ من که حال ندارم اینقدر بگردم این پست رو بپیدایم ...

خوبید شما

سلام نفیس عزیزم ...

لینکش رو خواستید.من هم لینکش رو گذاشتم.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
به ایمیلی که هم اکنون بدستم رسیده توجه فرمائید
Top Stories

Download the Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation

Download a free 90-day evaluation to test your apps and infrastructure on the final version of Windows 8 Enterprise, and use these additional resources: Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation FAQ Windows 8 Installation, Setup, and Deployment Forum

Learn About Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 8

Internet Explorer 10 carries over the advancements made in earlier versions of the Internet Explorer browser around security, standards support, and performance, as well as the extensive management and configuration support desired by IT professionals. Read this overview, then check out the Internet Explorer 10 FAQ for IT Pros.

Explore the Enterprise Edition

Windows 8 Enterprise features include all the capabilities of Windows 8 Pro plus premium features designed to provide the mobile productivity, security, manageability, and virtualization needs of today's businesses. These features include Windows To Go, DirectAccess,BranchCache, and AppLocker.
Your Featured Content

What's New for IT Pros in Windows 8
Get an overview of key new and improved features for IT professionals, plus answers to frequently asked questions.

Windows 8 Application Compatibility Forum
Use this forum to discuss application compatibility in Windows 8 and the Application Compatibility Toolkit.

Install Update Rollup 3 for Windows SBS 2011 Essentials
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials Update Rollup 3 has been released today and is available for download from Microsoft Update. You can read about the issues this rollup addresses in KB2705117.

Develop a SQL Server 2012 Tabular BI Model Using Visual Studio
In this Virtual Lab Insider, John Weston previews the latest TechNet virtual lab on how to develop a SQL Server 2012 tabular BI model using Visual Studio. In this lab you'll walk through a series of exercises where you'll learn how to create the tabular model project, import the data and create relationships, enhance the BI model interface, define and analyze KPIs, and finally deploy and manage the model.

Test Apps for Windows 8 Compatibility with ACT
Now part of the free Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK), the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) can help you inventory your existing applications, prioritize which applications should be tested for compatibility, and identify which applications are or are not compatible with Windows 8. You can also test your web applications and websites for compatibility with Internet Explorer 10.

Case Study: Microsoft IT Plans, Deploys, and Manages Windows 8
With an internal community support forum to foster early adoption, Microsoft IT has created a seamless user experience with improved image creation, deployment processes, and a community-based support model called //Pointers.

Video: How to Create and Manage a Hyper-V Cluster
In this session, we take a look at how to create a Hyper-V host cluster and install a highly available cluster by using Virtual Machine Manager, a component of Microsoft System Center 2012.

Technical Case Study: Consumerization of IT
Microsoft IT supports the consumerization-of-IT efforts within the company while at the same time continuing to define the delicate balance between policy/governance and the hardware and applications that employees use.

ای خدا
اینا چین
چلا من نمیفهمم خب
شاید هنوز کوچولوباشم.....نه؟
چلا سلم داله گیج میله
ای خدا

  • :confused:

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