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سلام من با هك رس زیاد کار کردم کمکی میتونم بکنم؟
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سلام من با هك رس زیاد کار کردم کمکی میتونم بکنم؟
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خب من فعلا با نرم افزارهای واتر جمز و ایپانت کار می کنم. در زمینه طراحی و تحلیل آبرسانی شبکه آب.
سلام مهندسان عزیز کسی در مورد نرم افزار زیر اطلاعاتی داره؟؟؟؟؟می تونه کمکم کنه؟
RIST - Rainfall Intensity Summarization Tool
RIST - Rainfall Intensity Summarization Tool |
RIST - Rainfall Intensity Summarization Tool
RIST (Rainfall Intensity Summarization Tool) is a Windows-based program designed to facilitate analysis of precipitation records.
RIST 3.89 has improved efficiency and output files suitable for input to runoff, erosion, and water quality models including RUSLE, WEPP, SWAT, and AnnAGNPS. RIST inputs text files in user-specified fixed-width or comma-delimited formats. Rainfall records may be time-and-date stamp, fixed interval, or variable interval (breakpoint) data. Standard outputs include:
Standard RUSLE outputs include a storm-by-storm summary of total precipitation, duration, intensity, kinetic energy, and EI30; and bi-weekly and monthly rainfall summaries of rainfall, energy, EI30 and erosivity density. Optionally, storms with less than 0.5 in. (12.7mm) of precipitation may be excluded from the energy and intensity calculations.
Standard WEPP outputs include daily rainfall, storm duration (reduced by excluding periods greater than 30 minutes without rain), ip, and tp.
Output for SWAT and AnnAGNPS include daily precipitation and, optionally, sub-daily precipitation totals.
RIST 3.89 also includes the capability to generate (1) precipitation totals at any user-specified fixed time interval or (2) a storm-by-storm analysis including maximum intensities observed during 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 minute within-in storm periods.
اینم لینکشسلام
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